who am i kidding? I haven't been completely honest. Not with you.. not with God.. not even myself. Telling myself I've got it all together.. cleaned up my act.. on my way to something.. something meaningful. who exactly am i kidding?
I'm lost. Frustrated. I've no idea why I'm in this. My veil is so thin. My soul.. obviously shallow.
I couldn't answer the simplest of questions to defend my faith. I wouldn't stand a chance trying. One song would break me down. But still..i keep hearing myself trying to buff me for more than i truly am.
I've love to say i really hate Daniel.. but i don't. I know i shouldn't. But what would it take to wake me up? Isn't it easier for someone asleep to wake up than to wake someone who's trying to look like he's sleeping?
Hate how easy it is to forget. Why You have to make me so forgetful. Why make sin so forgettable.
Silly me. Who was i kidding? I wouldn't stand a chance.