Born in 1985, Olivia Ong debut happened on an international stage at the tender age of 19. Born and bred a singaporean, discovered by a japanese producer and moved over to japan to develop her singing career.
'Fall In Love With Olivia' is her 5th album i think. nothing really special about her songs actually. In fact, 90% of the album are old songs, but there's this beautiful quality to her voice that jus captures me. It's light jazzy tune and clear voices adds a degree of credibility to the lyrics.
Classics like 'Sometimes When We touch' and 'First of May' were definately my fav tracks. love it so much that it's on repeat on my mind right now.
Feels like i'm in a different place.. away from all the bustle from work, away from responsibilities, away from expectations, away from dissapointment. Just the kinds of thing i was looking forward to.
Really good chill out cd. Highly recommended. Second to Corrine. Which reminds me.. tml night's her concert. sianz.