Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The only constant is change

they say that the only constant is change..
busy start of the week.. havent had enough sleep. intensely staring into my monitor at work.. so engross that my mind was floating away. Then it hit me.. how did i get here? the last time i check..i was still a poly student with floppy hair.. sloppy shirts. Now i'm here in green. starring at a stupid computer screen.(it wasnt meant to ryhme).
wondering how i have changed over the year.. my fingers still clicking on the mouse.. eyes still starring.. mind still wondering. It couldnt be more true. i'm not the same person i was.. or rather.. i'm not who i appeared to be. I hardly know who daniel really is. Probably i nv found out before. change is the only constant.
i like to look at myself in a third person's point of view.. looking at how daniel response to situation. looking at his strength and deficiencies.. getting to know myself everydae. but still.. he surprises me everytime he
runs away. Wondering wat he's thinking. wondering wat i ought to be thinking. thru the times.. it's nv the same.
think it's about time i give up thinking of who i ought to become and be who i'm meant to be. i've got better things to be doin than jus lookin at myself. i wanna look to Him..i'm wanna look at people around me.. i want people to see Him when they look at me. Change is the only constant? LOrd You're the only constant in my life.
And i welcome You.