Friday, July 22, 2005


not a good day.. not a good day at all.. i woke up with a slight fever and a sore throat.. work is piling.. i'm late for work.. and the thing that really pisses me off is that 2 of the guys from my office took off when there is work to be done. And trust me.. i know they've got nothing important to do.

i've had enough of their attitude! i'm supposed to assisting them becos of their inexperience. that i understand. but they dun seem to have any sense of urgency or pride in their work. THat.. i cannot stand.

Sitting here..breathing fire.. not sure if it's becos i'm having a fever or becos i'm really so damn pissed!!! I havent been so pissed for a quite a while. Really feel like slaming the CPU on the floor! i think it's not gonna help..but i'm jus damn pissed.

wats so happy about birthdaes when ppl around me pisses me off all the same.
