Not exactly a good week.. screwed for the tiniest of things. Not even my fault. irritating. I dun think in my 4 years of Army had anyone reprimanded me for nothing like he did. Well.. he's doin me a favor.. affirming me that this is not the place i would like to stay for too long.
Something fundamentally wrong with the management in Army. It's working at the moment doesn't mean it should be the way. Telling us in the face that the turn over rate is still healthy.. making it an excuse not to address issues. I think its more that they dun wanna feel taken hostage to abide by our real concerns with us threatening to quit.
But this is not it.. it is a natural fact that if satisfaction cannot be found here.. people will go. Can't go 3G without first changing the 1G command attitude. The commanders seems to be engaging and putting up the front for the NSF.. while behind the scene.. nothing much changed. At least that's what i feel here.
Looking at the large number of people leaving.. i hope they are getting the msg.